Ask The Experts
Tammy Young, Licensed Aesthecian
Spray Tanning
Spray Tanning has become more and more popular. Why is that?
It is really the only safe tan you can have. Sun exposure, from either being outdoors or from a tanning bed, causes premature aging of the skin, different kinds of skin cancer, and a variety of other skin-related problems. Plus, spray tanning products have dramatically improved over the years and has become a part of modern culture. Those beautiful Hollywood stars have spray tans, and are not the result of hours in the sun laying by the pool.
How is the spray tan you use here different from the do-it-yourself home tanning products?
The home tanning products contain a lot of chemicals and it’s hard to get on evenly – it tends to streak and have a unique smell. And depending on your skin tone, it may not look like a natural tan.
The product we use, Sun FX, is the same one they use on “Dancing with the Stars.” It has 75% natural ingredients and produces a natural, brown tone – not the orangey tones you sometimes get with the at home self-tanning products. We have 3 shades: light, medium and dark and it is odorless. We do what we call a “Rapid Tan,” which takes about 15 minutes to apply. It sets in 2 hours and you can shower after 3 hours.
How do your clients prepare for a “Rapid Tan?”
We recommend you take a shower the night before your session and exfoliate with a loofah or exfoliating cloth. Pay extra attention to rough areas like elbows, feet, or knees. Also, do any shaving the night before. After your shower, do not use any moisturizing lotion. This preparation will help ensure a successful, streakless application of your tan.
What do clients wear to the tanning session?
Wear comfortable, loose clothing to come and go from the salon – nothing tight. Some clients like to tan in their bikinis, shorts, undergarmets, or nothing at all. We also have disposable clothes for clients to wear if they choose.
Can I wear makeup to my tanning session?
Yes, the tanner works through makeup. And if the tanner gets in your hair, it easily washes out.
Will the tan rub off?
No. However, there is a bronzer in the product that helps us apply the tan evenly. This may rub off on clothes or sheets, but it is water-soluble and washes out easily.
How long does the tan last?
It lasts for 7 to 10 days, depending on your activities. For example, if you swim in a chlorinated pool, the tan will not last as long.
What do you recommend to help extend the life of the tan?
We recommend not working out and heavily perspiring for 3 hours after the tan is applied. Use a moisturizer and avoid exfoliating after your tan is applied.
Sometimes the tan will look darker on calloused areas, like elbows, feet, hands, fingers and knees. How can that be avoided?
If that happens, we tell people to spray some Windex on a washcloth and rub it on the area, which blends the color nicely. That way, there won’t be those darker areas where the product has settled.
Are there any extra precautions for clients who may have sensitive skin?
No, we have had no issues using this product. We have used it here at What’s New for 5 years and it has been successful for all skin types.
After my tan, can I get out in the sun?
Yes, but it is important to note that our product does not have sunscreen, so make sure if you’re going outdoors for a day of sun, you wear sunscreen as you normally would.
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