Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ask the Experts with Tammy Young about Derma-planing

Ask The Experts with
Tammy Young, Licensed Aesthecian

What is derma-planing?

Dermaplaning is the controlled scraping of skin that efficiently removes the layer of dead skin and what we commonly call the fine “peach fuzz” on the face.

Is dermaplaning a new procedure?

No, but up until now, it has been offered more commonly on the West Coast and major cities. In the past, it has been commonly used among Hollywood celebrities and Country Music stars.

How does it differ from microdermabrasion or peels?

Microdermabrasion is an abrasive, rapid exfoliation that sands off 3 layers of dead or damaged skin to reveal an undamaged layer of skin underneath. Whereas with dermaplaning, it is not abrasive, there are no products involved with the procedure, and there is no discomfort or pain. There is no recovery time.

How does it work and what are the benefits?

We use a dermaplaning device to remove the dead skin cells and fine facial hair to reveal healthy, undamaged skin. Because there are no products involved, there is no risk of allergies. It provides the client immediate gratification – you can apply makeup immediately afterward. It’s great for special occasions where you want to look your best.

Are there clients that especially benefit from dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is very gentle and very efficient. Dermaplaning works great with clients with sensitive skin who tend to be allergic to certain products. It is also very beneficial for those clients who naturally have a lot of fine facial hair.

Are there clients that would not be suitable for dermaplaning?

People who are going through cancer treatment or have an uncontrolled bleeding problem are not dermaplaning candidates. A client with active acne, cycstic acne or those who have taken Accutane within the past year are also not good candidates. For all of these conditions or situations, there are other treatments that would be more beneficial for these clients.

What do clients need to do prior to dermaplaning?

The only “pretreatment” we require is that if a client is on a Retin-A regiment, we ask that you do not use Retin-A for several days before dermaplaning. Other than that, there is none.

After dermaplaning treatments, is there a recovery time or special instructions to do at home?

There is no recovery time – results are immediate. However, because we have eliminated the dead skin cells, new, undamaged skin is revealed, we recommend wearing sunscreen for a couple of days afterward. Obviously, no tanning bed immediately afterward. Also, we provide an ointment afterwards to wear to help keep your skin baby-soft. Other than this, you can apply makeup immediately afterwards.

Is dermaplaning painful or uncomfortable?


How long does the dermaplaning procedure take?

The dermaplaning procedure itself takes only 20 – 30 minutes.

Can I combine dermaplaning with facials?

Yes. In fact, we offer a DermaplanePro Facial that includes a natural enzyme peel to get rid of any additional dead skin after dermaplaning. It also includes extractions, if necessary, and a moisturizing mask. If a monthly skin treatment is already part of your regiment, we can certainly add dermaplaning to a client’s regular routine.

How often can you get dermaplaning treatments?

Dermaplaning is so gentle you could actually do it weekly. However, we recommend once a month for eliminating damaged skin. For the facial hair aspect alone, dermaplaning will last from 6 – 8 weeks.

For more information about Tammy, click here
To see a menu of skin and body care services, click here
To book an appointment, call 615-890-5020 or to book online, click here

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ask the experts with Nick Haynes

Ask The Experts 
Nick Haynes – Stylist/Colorist/Men’s Hairstyles

You’re one of the newest stylists at What’s New. How did you get started?

Of course, I grew up surrounded by two great hair stylists at home. Originally I thought I wanted to do something different, but I began to start thinking seriously about hair in about 2007. I went to school, and I joined What’s New in 2009 as a stylist.

What made you look more seriously at styling?

It is a real personal experience for me and for clients. Aside from say, a doctor, it’s the only other profession I can think of where clients allow us to physically get close to them. Clients let us into their world for that time they are here, and you concentrate on them, what they want, and the expertise you provide. It’s fun to see clients light up when you’ve created a style on them that looks great.

You’ve quickly developed a clientele in a short time, would you say?

Yes, it has been very gratifying and has developed over time via the Internet and word-of-mouth. Right now of my female clientele, about 80 per cent of them have long hair. Long hair provides the range of everything from updos to color to the variety that long hair offers women.

For styling, how do men differ from women?

Men are much more particular than women. They arrive with a very specific idea of the overall look they want and the hairstyle they want.

So men come in with more specific ideas about their hair. But what if it’s not right for them?

That’s where we talk about it. I listen to what they want, but if they want something that their hair simply will not do through the cut, the products or both, I make my recommendations. Together we come up with a style that meets that client’s needs. They pay for my expertise and appreciate a style that looks good on them and that their hair will do, and that they can do at home.

What is popular right now among men?

Right now, I do a lot of looks that are messy and more aggressive on top. The top is longer, with short sides that are what we call “disconnected.” That cutting technique means that we blend it from the bottom up vs. the traditional way of blending from the top down.

What role do products play with men, and do you have to educate men more?

Products play a big role in achieving the right look whether it’s men or women. Men want a great look and quick, easy products to work with to achieve that look.

What is another difference in men’s styling that you’ve seen?

For men, I think it’s more about the overall experience. Women grew up coming to hair salons and are used to it. Most men grew up going to the barbershop for a quick cut. Due to that, many men tell me that they’d never had their hair shampooed by someone else – and they really like it. Men are not as used to pampering, so the time they spend here is truly a time they enjoy relaxing and spending on themselves.

What is the biggest challenge in working with men and men’s styles?

I think the biggest challenge is that some men feel uncomfortable working with products or certain methods – that they think it’s not “manly.” As I’ve said before, the easier the product, the better. But here’s an example where men will go that extra mile to achieve the look they want: I use a flat iron on some men’s hair to achieve a look they want. Although they may be uncomfortable doing this at home at first, once they try, they see how easy it to do themselves.

For more information about Nick click here
To see more about styling and a menu of services click here
To book an appointment:615-890-5020 or click here

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ask the Experts with Jill Darin

Ask The Experts
Jill Darin, Nail Technician

What are the benefits of having regular pedicures not just in the summer, but also in the winter?

Having regular pedicures year round is a good maintenance program for your nails. Skin and nails tend to get dryer during the winter, so it keeps your feet and nails moisturized, help circulation, and stimulates the nails.

A lot of senior citizens have pedicures. Are there any special considerations?

As people age, their toenails tend to grow thicker, and it may become more difficult to keep your nails cleaned up and at a healthy length. It’s awkward for people of all ages – not just seniors - to trim their own toenails correctly due to the angle you have to be in to trim your own nails. Add to that any mobility or sight issues that seniors might have, and it’s a good way to ensure seniors keep healthy feet and nails. It’s not really age-specific – it’s true for everyone.

What is your most popular pedicure and what does it involve?

Our Signature pedicure takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. It’s a good, relaxing way to maintain your pedicure. We work on the nails, cuticles, and callus areas. This is followed by a sugar scrub and a foot and leg massage. The last step is polish, if the client wishes.

Another popular pedicure is the Petite pedicure, which takes about 45 minutes. It offers everything in the Signature except for the sugar scrub and massages.

Can diabetics have pedicures?

Yes, but that’s the first thing we need to know if a client has diabetes. Diabetes affects circulation, many times in the feet, which makes them more prone to infections. We take great care, particularly in trimming cuticles or providing any service that may place a client at risk. For a diabetic client, I recommend talking to your regular physician first.

Is there a magic formula you look for when choosing a nail color for clients?

That’s my most-asked question. Aside from a special event or clothes that you may be trying to match, there really isn’t a special “formula.” It’s really about what color do you like and would like to look at for a week or two. When a client asks me point-blank, I really look at that client’s personality to determine a color. It’s all about feeling good and looking good.

Many people worry a lot about nail fungus. What do you recommend as a treatment?

I have seen through my experience that many people just tend to carry a nail fungus and there’s not a lot a person can do about it. The only real treatment to get rid of nail fungus is to see your doctor to prescribe oral medications. Some topical creams you can buy over the counter can help the way it looks. I recommend keeping toenails clean and trimmed back as much as possible. Then, make sure to apply the topical as directed on the nail and cuticle, and also pushed under the edge of the nail at the top.

To see a menu of nail services:
To book a nail appointment: 615-890-5020